Been meaning to start up the blog thing as an easier means to updating the http://www.archivecd.com/ website with label news and rantings so this seemed like a good option. Unfortunately first update is of course tragically overshadowed by the passing of Jack Rose. I had the pleasure of knowing Jack for a number of years, I believe i was introduced to Jack some time around 2002 by Tony V. from Tequila Sunrise records while hanging out at the Philadelphia record exchange drinking some beers and listening to records with the normal cast of local characters. I knew him prior of course having recorded what i think was his first solo show in 2001.
Straying off topic slightly the 2001 show was upstairs at the Khyber in a small room on 3/21/01. I recall a few days prior i was talking to Ed Hardy of Eclipse Records and he recommend i go based on Jack being from Pelt. The show was also with the Magic Carpathians, Bardo Pond and i think one other??? I remember Mike Gibbons, from Bardo, was sort of doing sound for Jack's set and him feeding back a bunch from the single mic they had on his acoustic. I'm going to go back and pull out that recording and listen to it, but i remember it being kind of short and ragtime'ish and my recording being sort of noisy?
But anyway it was always great running into Jack around town at shows he was playing, or shows he was at, and bullshitting with the guy. He always had funny stories about being on tour, where he played, who he played with, who was a dick that he meet, what label he was working with. Besides missing Jacks music I'm going to miss just seeing the guy around having a beer and busting balls. Excellent guy across the board and a crushing blow for Philadelphia to lose him.
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