Sunday, June 13, 2010
post brought to you by even more Yuengling forgive all the bad grammar and spellings
Saturday, May 15, 2010

BLUES CONTROL art gallery show in Philly
Just read the article/interview on Pitchfork and was a bit disappointed to see that filesharing got blamed for the decrease in sales. I'm quite sympathetic to your frustration but I don't think it's directed at entirely the right issue.
The example of The Goslings / Warmth split not attracting the same amount of sales, for instance: for whatever reason, in 2009 the album didn't attract nearly the amount of hype and solid reviews that Grandeur of Hair did. Blogs and review sites lavished praise over it, while hardly any sites talked much about the split.
For instance, on RateYourMusic, a database of people keeping track of their MP3 or CD collections, you'll see that Grandeur of Hair has 329 ratings and Heaven of Animals has 16.
If filesharing were to blame, don't you think there'd be the same level of interest generated, yet fewer sales? From what I've noticed, filesharing seems to be part of the marketing hype cycle of generating interest, especially in niche markets. Perhaps the fickle hype processes might be more to blame?
My reply
Hey didn’t know the article was up.. I just cruised it and I think its pretty well written.. I will say we did talk about a lot of things that have taken place in the market place and I would say there are a whole host of different factors on the table currently that can be linked to the more or less wide scale drop off in sales (this is the case with nearly every label I’ve talked to) He’s focused on the downloading file sharing for his piece, which I think might make up the lions share of the issue?? But certainly things like the fans fickle taste, current worldwide economic situation in the last two years, the over glut of product out there to consume, and maybe the people that used to buy my releases have just grown less interested in what I’m doing???
So I agree with your valid observation as noted below, but one thing I can tell you is the landscape is very different for me then it was two years ago, the ultimate reason is most like some type of combination of all of the above..
All good though life long music lover here and will stay that way.
PITCHFORK NYTimes article about the music industry that i found interesting also
Sunday, May 9, 2010
old tubes
Saw Blues Control at an art gallery in Fishtown last week. Pretty good super nice folks also. wasn't super woowed but was a fun time all the same. Lots of drink at this gig
Went to the Alcest show in Philly which was on a Monday night. Was expecting like 3 people to be there but low and behold basically sold out. Seemed like a pretty lame crowd just by visual inspection of who was there. I had high hopes for the show but bailed before they even played.. too crowded, too hot.. and basically wasn't feeling it. I got this email the next day from Adam of Comoros strange psychic abilities you possess.alcest were terrible... beyond terrible, they were embarassing and emo and awful. how did you know? hahahaha pretty funny, well some times you win i guess??? Also bumped into the vocalist of OAK at this gig. super nice guy lots of conversation about old metal. West coast heads keep an eye out they are trying to make out that way over the next few months. One of the best house shows i ever saw was them in South Philly at disgraceland. not so much drink at this gig.
Bardo Pond had a show at JB's back like two weeks ago. 2nd band that night CARLTON MELTON maybe a less freak out more rocking version of Earthless. really excellent stuff though. I didn't record though duhhhhhhh. I generally rely on good intelligence in these circumstances when an opening band is playing that i don't know and i didn't get "hipped" to these guys prior to them playing. Lots of drink had this night.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Downloading cheap songs from foreign Web sites raises concerns
By Craig Guillot
A number of Russian-based Web sites such as, and currently sell the latest downloads from Top 40 American artists for pennies on the dollar. Until its closure in June 2007, the site reigned as king of the Russian music Web sites and was often engaged in legal battles contesting its legitimacy. According to the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), the Russian-based Web sites violate international laws by selling copyright-protected works without permission. In December 2006, RIAA slapped with a $1.65 trillion lawsuit for 11 million songs downloaded between June and October 2006.
RIAA was never awarded the sum, but it was instrumental in helping shut down the site. However, immediately popped up in its place and the Russianf government and RIAA have since played MP3 whack-a-mole. In the meantime, music fans enter a grey legal world when they use their credit cards to buy downloads at such sites. While offers the same quality downloads found at legitimate sites such as iTunes, RIAA and other music industry organizations say that downloading at such sites constitutes complicity in piracy and theft.
Eric Garland, CEO of the online media tracking firm, says that the Russian MP3 pirate sites are unlikely to disappear anytime soon because they offer convenience and low
Since the advent of file-sharing and P2P networks in the late '90s, music fans have long debated the morality of downloading copyrighted works for free. Dan Cutler, a 24-year-old musician and radio production assistant from New Orleans, regularly downloads music through file-sharing networks. Like many Americans who download music, he doesn't know much about the Russian sites, but doesn't necessarily rule them out simply because of the legal status.
"I think I'm of the age when P2P file sharing was popular and not yet illegal, so I don't really have a crisis of conscience about it. Sometimes I use iTunes, but there is a bunch of stuff they don't have so I often look elsewhere," says Cutler.
Music fan Scott Sullivan from Highland Park, Ill., also regularly uses P2P networks to download music or try out the latest albums before he decides to make a purchase. Sullivan has been aware of the Russian sites for a while, but has not used them because he is concerned about using his credit card at a Russian-based site engaged in legal battles.
"You don't really know where your credit card numbers are going. I just think once you cross international boundaries, there is a big gray area and no one there to back you up if you end up with [fraudulent] charges," says Sullivan.
Paying at a site such as isn't always a simple matter anyway. After taking the standpoint that was engaged in illegal activities in November 2006, Visa and MasterCard both stopped accepting transactions through the site and set a precedent for dealing with future pirate sites. Many U.S. consumers report that their cards are declined on such sites, but the Russians respond by constantly running payments through new systems, front Web sites and new countries. Payment methods have become so complicated that there's even a message board where users can learn about new payment methods and how to skirt the system.
Shane Keats, a research analyst with McAfee SiteAdvisor, says that that sites hosted in Russia are among some of the riskiest on the Web. SiteAdvisor checks Web sites for "drive-by downloads," malicious scripts, spyware and other problems. Although SiteAdvisor ranked and most of the music sites as safe sites to visit, there isn't always a way to tell whether credit card information is truly secure. Keats says that while the sites may be engaged in copyright infringement, they probably have a vested interest in keeping credit card information safe.
"These sites have a real business model and I suspect that they treat credit cards reasonably securely because if they didn't, customers would eventually stop coming," says Keats.
As the credit card associations and music industry organizations clamp down, many consumers are seeing an increasing threat of lawsuits. Although the RIAA has filed thousands of lawsuits against file sharing users in the past, it recently had a monumental benchmark when it won a first case against Minnesotaresident Jammie Thomas in October 2007 for $222,000, or $9,500 for each of the 24 copyrighted songs she made available on the Kazaa network. Eric Garland says that while the end users of file-sharing networks have little risk in being busted, those who use Russian Web sites may be in more danger because they leave behind a paper trail with their credit cards.
"Somewhere there is a database and a record of these transactions and unless you can prove that someone had unauthorized access to your account, the presumption is that you could someday be a part of some enforcement or litigation," says Garland.
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Monday, March 8, 2010
1- whose the fat chick on stage with the guitar.. ohh fuck that's Creston, slow down on the happy meals big guy
2- Goddamn Creston's sweat glands are out of control.. fucker is drenched in 5mins.
3-How come Tanner doesn't sweat? or hell even look like he's trying??
4-New record is going to be awesome, a lurching sludgy thing
5-Harvey Milk are always great live best bet in live music
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
OK so here's the full length trailer for the Jack Rose Glenn Jones DVD goes on sale as I'm told 4/6. The footage is pretty fantastic esp. the stuff capturing Jack in such a natural state in a sunlight loft in Brooklyn playing to a few friends. Note at about 4:53 you can see my bald head off to the far right side of the screen doing knob tweaking during the Philly live set. As a side note that Byron Coley guy does strike me as a smug little prick. I don't know the guy or anything but i have seen him do some "readings" before (big fucking yawn) and as far as i can tell he's mostly famous for being Thurston Moore's friend. What a fucking brilliant idea what famous clown can i latch onto with "friend" status to gain creditability for my stupid nonsense???
Sunday, February 28, 2010
enjoy the malaise
Sunday, February 21, 2010
A volcano on the small island of Krakatoa was undergoing the cataclysmic stage of its months-long eruption. At 10:20 AM the volcano exploded with a sound heard, literally, around the world.
Scientists estimated the explosion's sound to be around 180 decibels, which is a great enough force to instantly kill all hearing tissue within a human ear.
For comparison, 180dB is about 13x as loud as a jet engine from 100 ft, or as loud as a rifle shot at point blank range. People 2,200 miles away in Perth, Australia could clearly hear the eruption immediately after the explosion.
The explosion spewed a cloud of lava and ash that killed all 3,000 people living on an island 8 miles away. Tsunami waves caused by the volcano crested at over 100 ft.
The eruption sent a shockwave of energy that traveled around the world approximately 7 times and registered on measurement instruments for 5 days after the eruption.
Tsunami waves reached the coast of South Africa over 8,000 miles away, and smaller waves registered on tidal meters as far away as the English Channel.
However, the English waves occurred too soon after the explosion to be remnants of the tsunami. Scientists believe these disturbances were instead a result of air displacement caused by the sound of the eruption
Monday, February 15, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Apparently Japanese underground vocalist and guitarist Shizuka committed suicide early this month. A fairly under documented band and artist that really summarized all the stuff i love about the Japanese psychedelic world of Tokyo pre- 2000. Haunting, mysterious, shrouded in darkness, delicate but yet dashed with moments of blissful shredding guitar feedback. Her band featured guitarist Miura Maki on guitar, and Kosugi Jun on drums, who if I'm correct both served time in Haino's Fushitsusha. A pair of PSF CD's can be found without too much trouble one being a studio album and the Live Album traditional aesthetics which was recorded in 95 from Osaka but not released till 2008 is maybe one of the best releases PSF has done in years in my eyes.
The DVD project was worked on by Jesse Sheppard and features some truly fantastic footage of Jack and Glenn Jones playing in a loft in Brooklyn on some sunny afternoon, along with interview footage conducted by Byron Coley from the same location. Also included is some concert footage from a Philly gig (i did external audio for this portion). All and all its a fantastic looking release and based on all the parts I've seen to date it does create a understanding of how Jack evolved into one of the the most prominent pickers of today. I've heard an early April release date for the the DVD but I'll post more when i hear about it being confirmed.
Friday, February 12, 2010

Three consecutive snow storms of roughly 2 feet this winter which is an absurd amount for an area that might get 12" in an entire winter. Driving around at about midnight during the most recent storm on empty roads taking iphone pics to a soundtrack of Ai Aso's Lavender seemed very fitting and peaceful.
Monday, February 1, 2010
44/44 & 66/66 The Important Records 2009 Holiday Sale44 cds for $44 66 cds for $66shipping for either is:$7 in the USA via media rate (priority or UPS is available)$16 Canada/Mexico via airmail$42 overseas via flat rate global priority w/ tracking+ all cds will have a small drill hole in their barcode+ double cds count as 2
From a consumer prospective this is an absurd deal no doubt, their are like 300 or some odd releases on Important with lots being things i own currently, things I'd like to own, or things I would have liked to have released on my own label (minus the generic packages and shitty horrible ugly inner CD slipcase info commercials). But lots of great audio content, and 66 CD's is a shit load of music for that price. From a label perspective i suppose its a way to recoup some cash flow that is tied up potentially in junk stock that you have sitting around. A good way to jump start some sales and i suppose much better to get things out of the basement and warehouse and out to people who will listen to the stuff.. Hell that's the purpose of doing a label of love after all isn't it, even with selling the releases at a loss. But if i was a distro from either overseas or in the US i'd be mad as hell. What if i was Aquarius records for example. How the hell am i going to sell any Important record back catalog CD's against that deal he's running? I'd also be annoyed if i was the guy that two weeks prior i bought 3 or 4 titles from the site at regular price. I'd be feeling pretty cheated right about now, knowing that i could have had all the same discs for $1 each if i had waited. I'm reading way too much into this but does feel like some walmart moving into some small town dumping prices which forces the close outs of all the local stores on the main drag.
I suppose i shouldn't care?? but i was basically glad i wasn't trying to release new shit the same month against that sale. I mean does the guy who bought 66CD's in one shot really need to buy anything else for the next 2-3 months???
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Been a little while since my last batch of ragging blog posts so here's some pics and comments on 2010 shows I've seen in you guessed it 2010. from Top to bottom.
Monday, January 4, 2010

ZAIKA +STEVE GUNN 1.10.09 brickbat books
WITCH "2.22.09 JB'S Philly" EHHHHH pretty whatever
UNLABELED DISC??? who the fuck knows?
AIDAN BAKER/ TIM HECKER "11.21.09 Kungfu Necktie Philly. funny when i was at this gig i was talking to Aidan about how to best record the sets since he plays all direct line to the board i was going to do a board patch but they have this fucked mixing desk at the club with no analog outs so i was going to patch directly off his on stage mixer, we asked Tim about it after Aidan introduced me and he was like "well what are you recording for" and i gave him the smart ass answer of "to steal your music" go figure he didn't seem to interested in letting me record direct. The aud. recordings actually sound pretty great all the same, which in general is always my preference since i don't have to talk to the sound guys who i fucking hate- Normally sound men are one of three things 1. Fat 2. Lazy or choice 3. retarded. I remember once at this fucking lame show Aidan played in Philly at the 4040 the sound guy gave me all this shit about plugging a XLR cable into the board... he was all like "well we need to know about this in advance.. was it on his rider"?? are you fucking kidding plug that shit in takes 2 secs. The other thing i like about aud recordings is most of the music i like is heavily amplified and a lot of the elements never even run through the PA so the mix can be screwy... in the case of something like Aidan Backer or Tim Hecker all that stuff runs through the board but i still like some of the presence that airborne recordings give. Its sort of an interesting dichotomy of something that's very electronic having an added analog element to it. Plus i always feel like its more of a fuck you to the sound guy whose help you don't have to ask for.
JACK ROSE "7.10.09 BRICKBAT BOOKS Philly" Jack playing with a guy on keys and Harmonica Dan very intimate setting at the bookstore.. sterling gig of course and one of the first few times the trio played together. Jack really started to hit a groove during the past year or so playing more and more in interesting small groupings. Shame the man left us with some many great ones on the table still to come. I miss you guy!
BARDO POND "4.15.09 KHYBER PASS Philly" tuneup gig for NOFUN fest. Heard they were pretty good at nofun but i could bare to go this year had the worse time the year prior and seemed like a repeat fest so no point in going. Plus Sonic Youth played the same night and i hate them.
CURANDEROS "APRIL 09 KUNGFU" free jams with Gibbons brothers, Aaron Igler, and Khoutek drummer.
HEAVY WINGED/ US GIRLS 10.24.09 some house in Philly. great US girls set shitty HW mix
BEEMASK "DANGER DANGER HOUSE Philly sept. 09 analog electronics from some philly kid
OM not sure which set ?? probably JB's in 2007?
AANAL BEEHEMOTH finish old style stuff this is an actual release
KAORU ABE disc 2 of the passe-temps CDR set.... total shit disc of horrible recorded material
S. Philly show 2006 not sure what this disc is?? i think it has the BATHRUB SHITTER live set on it though recorded at some fucked up little flop house.
AI ASO "brickbat books Philly" wonderful
KHOUTEK 11.7.09 M ROOM Philly" with Clint from Bardo on bass.. pretty awesome set
AXEMEN/ MADSCENE "11.15.09 kungfun Philly" currently playing. New Zealand invasion Axemen were pretty great front man i couldn't decide if he had down syndrome or was really really fucking drunk or possible both.. current re-issue record on siltbreeze. Check out this FMU blog that has links to mp3 files from some in studio session
FIRST MISSION OF 2010 on the 6th JUCIFER then on the 7th TOTAL FUCKING DESTRUCTION fear of a black metal planet Rich Hoak is the man!!!